Tunable Filters
Bandpass/Bandreject/Digital Tunable Filters
Smiths Interconnect’s tunable filter products are designed to provide high performance in a single package. While typically used in test and measurement applications, these products can also be ruggedized for mobile and remote applications.
Features & Benefits
Smiths Interconnect’s tunable filter products are designed to provide high performance in a single package. While typically used in test and measurement applications, these products can also be ruggedized for mobile and remote applications.
We offers several standard Bandpass and Bandreject Tuners covering the frequency range of 24 MHz to 3000 MHz in octave bands. Cellular and PCS units cover less than full octaves, however offer greater dial resolution. All standard units offer direct frequency read-out, high power, and narrow bandwidth.
Smiths Interconnect’s standard products may be customized to meet specific requirements; including Digitally Controlled, Diplexed, and Ruggedized options. Contact the factory for your specific requirements.
An additional feature of our Tunable Filter Product Line is the ability to ship standard bandpass and bandreject filters overnight from stock.